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記者林明瑋 / 綜合報導
2017秋冬巴黎男裝周,LOUIS VUITTON(LV,路易威登)丟下震撼彈,先前傳言與潮流界大咖Supreme將合作,是真的!多款紅色包包上印著白色Supreme字樣,正是從Supreme最重要的BOX Logo發想,潮人們,準備搶吧!
▲經典的Keepall變身Supreme的BOX Logo。(圖/翻攝LV IG)
今年1月初,開始有傳言指出LV將與Supreme聯手,起源來自一名模特兒試裝時偷拍的照片中,有一件布滿LV的Monogram與Supreme BOX Logo的衛衣,當時求證的結果,是未有合作計畫,但2017秋冬秀一走,事實攤開了,雙方不但合作,而且款式眾多,從服裝到包款、配件通通沒少。
紅底白字的BOX Logo在秀上超醒目,不但有後背包、隨身小包、證件夾,經典的Keepall旅行袋也大變身,還有圍巾、皮帶等配件,Monogram也出現紅白配色,玩得相當徹底,丹寧夾克上,穿插著Monogram與Supreme字樣,加上以棒球為靈感的各式設計,潮到不行。
男裝藝術總監Kim Jones又成功地製造話題,再度讓百年精品老牌與街頭潮流完美結合,大家開始打聽何時開賣,準備手刀衝了嗎?
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▲紅底白字的包款,完全衍生自Supreme的BOX Logo。(圖/東方IC)
LV x Supr各家銀行二胎房貸利率eme聯名!潮人們..
懂Jo Malone的內土銀年利率行人都指名要..
/ Staff writer, with CNAThe legislature yesterday passed the government’s general budget proposal for fiscal year 2017, after cutting it to NT$1.97 trillion (US$62.3 billion).During the two-week extraordinary session, opposition lawmakers put forward about 500 proposals for budget cuts, but the number was reduced to 63 during cross-caucus negotiations that were chaired by Legislative Speaker Su Jia-chyuan (蘇嘉全).Lawmakers settled on a budget of NT$1.97 trillion, cutting 1.2 percent from the government’s proposed NT$1.99 trillion.The proposed budget has a deficit of NT$132.9 billion and an estimated NT$74 billion for principal payments on government debt, all of which the government said would be covered through loans.At the end of the session, Su commended the party caucuses and legislative staff for their efforts to process major bills, such as amendments to the Long-term Care Services Act (長期照顧服務法) and the Electricity Act (電業法), as well as the budget bill.This was achieved though rational communication, efficiency and order among the caucuses, he said.Su’s performance over the session was praised by New Power Party (NPP) caucus convener Hsu Yung-ming (徐永明).“Swords were drawn over this legislative session and there were even some topics that were not appropriate to handle during a special session, but we support Su’s handling of matters,” Hsu said. “Dealing with the budget, the whole process was relatively smooth.”He expressed regret that his party’s calls for more rigorous pension bonus standards had not won approval, adding that the NPP would support the Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) plans for military and economic development.Before the session ended, the legislature, with the DPP’s majority, rejected three budget cut proposals put forward by the KMT caucus, including a proposal to slash the Mainland Affairs Council’s (MAC) budget, which the KMT said was “not thoughtfully planned” and would not improve stagnant relations between Taiwan and China amid a cooling of cross-strait interactions.The KMT said that MAC Minister Katharine Chang (張小月) should be held responsible for the cooling of cross-strait ties since May 20 last year, when President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) took office.The MAC “has obviously misjudged the situation,” the KMT caucus said, adding that the council should outline response strategies within a month and deliver a report about its misjudgement to the legislature’s Internal Administration Committee within two months.However, the budget cut proposals and the request for the MAC to submit a report were voted down by DPP legislators.The DPP controls 68 of the 113 seats in the Legislative Yuan, while the KMT has 35. The NPP has five and the People First Party has three, while the Non-Partisan Solidarity Alliance and an independent have one seat each.KMT proposals to slash the budget for the Ill-gotten Party Assets Settlement Committee and disband the committee were also rejected.The committee was established by the Cabinet in August last year based on the Statute on Handling the Inappropriate Assets of Political Parties and Their Affiliated Organizations (政黨及其附隨組織不當取得財產處理條例). The statute was enacted by the legislature in July last year.According to the regulations, some of the KMT’s property has been frozen pending investigations into party assets.The KMT caucus also proposed cutting the Ministry of Education’s budget, which weighed in during a controversy over a phrase used by Lai He (賴和), the father of Taiwan’s nativist literary movement, that has been cited by the Presidential Office in the spring couplets it plans to give away.The KMT said the ministry’s response amounted to education serving political goals.The next legislative session is to open after the Lunar New Year holiday ends on Feb. 1.Additional reporting by Abraham Gerber新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES
(中央社記者李晉緯台北14日電)HBL南山今天擊敗青年,攜手泰山晉級8強,輸球的青年則落到分組第4名,想進8強得看外卡戰表現。 高中籃球聯賽(HBL)複賽在高雄進行,男子組12支球隊分兩組比賽,兩個分組的前3名,及在「外卡戰」勝出的兩支球隊,將可晉級2月在新北市新莊進行的準決賽(8強)。 衛冕軍南山今天轟進10顆三分彈,以76比72險勝青年,戰績站上第1,確定晉級8強,青年輸球後戰績跌至第4,得在外卡戰尋求晉級機會。 因為南山擊敗青年而搭上晉級列車的泰山,今天則是在對能仁時打出精彩的逆轉好球。 泰山今天一路落後,上半場以33比43落後能仁10分,第3節靠著19比18攻勢,將落後縮小到52比61的個位數差距,末節泰山靠楊皓(吉吉)一次兩罰俱中和一次外線出手命中連下5分,拉出7比0攻勢後反以1分超前。 之後雙方拉鋸,在兩隊68比68平手時,持球進攻的泰山險些發生失誤,所幸譚傑龍在禁區內將球撈回,並沉穩的投進關鍵兩分,讓泰山以70比68領先2分。 最後6.3秒,泰山陳彥霖兩罰中1,落後3分的能仁急著搶攻卻沒將球控制好,浪費了一點時間後只能倉促在中線後孤注一擲,在出手落空後讓泰山終場以71比68逆轉擊敗能仁,能仁吞下複賽首敗。 A組前3名的南山、能仁、泰山,和B組前3名的松山、高苑、南湖,率先晉級8強,最後兩張8強門票則待外卡戰後決定。 接下來的「外卡戰」中,A組5、6名的強恕、光復,和B組5、6名的東泰、后綜將先對戰,勝出的隊伍將分別與東山、青年爭奪晉級8強的最後兩個名額。1060114
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